Sunday, November 28, 2010

Lots of Smile

This few days, I felt so happy. Being so close to her, even if she's far away. I don't want to lose anything. I don't want to lose any second with her. Being far away now is a good thing, as it trains us to the future that we chose. I realized that we have to change first, to who we really are, to know our religion, then i'm sure that we'll be perfect together. And I'm happy we're progressing. Even if it's slow, it is very effective. I've changed. You've changed.

Don't worry my dear, how different He make our paths, we will be together in he end....
This is a test, and we'll get through it.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Why you

Life is unfair,
that's what I always think.
Life is cruel,
That what happens to everyone.
Life is just a lie,
That's a fact.

But you....
You gave me the hope, the light,
you gave me the love, the passion,
you gave me the trust, the spirit,
you gave me a real life.

A life that is priceless,
that I would never let go,
A life that I thought never exist,
A life that is full of happiness.

Believe me, you are the sun,
you are my life, 
you are the one I always remember
before I go to sleep at night,
you are my princess. 

Alhamdulillah, HE brought me to you,
HE sent you to guide me,
HE made u gave life to me,
HE showed me the right path,
the path of the pious and
to be together with you; blessed
here and in the hereafter.
Just be patient my princess,
it's a long road
and we'll get through it.

Please get better, I need you, always.....

Sunday, November 7, 2010


The holidays just passed, and i'm freakingly tired!!
I had a good time at home and one day, everything went wrong. I tried to impress someone, who is very important, someone i want to impress but it turns out to be a disaster. Being the 'full-of-something' me is something i rarely do and guess what? That person doesn't like me!

Hmmm...seriously, i had a hard time digesting it. But after a few while and some consultation of my very goody buddy...I regained my smile. I thought back, i should just be my self. Just be grateful of what you are. Don't try to be someone else, bcoz it will hurt ur loved ones. Bcoz they always love u for who u are.

I think that's all I want to say. I don't want to make this article an eyesore, or broadening up on this issue. Well, thanks to that person who's always with me, always.

And thank you ALLAH.