Sunday, January 17, 2010

akhirnya dah keje!!

Sorry for the late update.been busy  with spm n stuff (turned out quite well actually) so sekarang tengah cuti!!nothing much lah.on9.facebooking.ym-ing.haha. ingat kan nak berjoli betul2.pegi mountain climbing ke.carik awek baru ke.hehs.i end up teaching accounts for my juniors in the same ol Sekolah Alam Shah.Haish. I should really get  a life sometime.

Ok. that was my sister disguising as me. She likes to merepek a lot. But sometimes she's cool. haha (love u btw sis)

So. Err.teaching. Never thought of it as way to start my career but hell, i'm bored anyway with nothing else to do and the PIBG said they're gonna pay me good money. rm500 for two weeks. Okay. maybe not so good but it's going to be my first salary so never mind-lah! haha.My first class was on last thursday :)

It's tiring, you know. talking and teaching them, showing them this and that for 2 hours full. I guess my teaching skills are not that impressive anyway cos after approximately 20 mins, half of the class started to doze off.some even snored loudly. apa lagi, me terus gets bloody annoyed by this. i felt like throwing my shoes to each and every one of their sleepy heads.but remembering those days when i actually did  exactly what  these kids were doing during Mod Math classes (both in f4 and f5) i mustered all of my patience and kept on teaching.

So i guess i knew what  teachers have to face when they come to work every day. i'm going to thank them next time i bump into them.Ceh. macam cerita yg memberi pengajaran la pulak.haha

Next class is tomorrow so i better be prepared on what to ramble on.

p/s : got a new phone. thnx mom and dad!